May 4th
We went to see Paul Kelly @ Starlight, who is known as Australia’s Bob Dylan. We were surprised that the tickets weren’t sold out by the morning of the performance.
When we were driving around Australia back in 2005, David was playing Paul Kelly’s Songs from the South, he told me. So that’s why I kind of remember some of his songs.
I couldn’t really follow the lyrics at that time, but when David told me the stories of his songs, they are so significant. The songs vary from pop, country to jazz. He is 58 years old! David shouted and asked how old he was between songs, and he answered. ^^ He also has grand children.
The tickets were only $20. The venue was a small bar & restaurant (downstairs from the Starlite).
We got there so early and were able to sit at a table close to the stage. Lucky!
I was wondering if there was any other singer or a band as an opener, and yes there was. Paul’s nephew, supporting guitarist and singer, Dan Kelly. He sang 6 songs.
David took a photo of Dan’s playlist that was on the floor. ^^
It’s a bar & restaurant, and they only had pop as a non-alcohol drink for me… I don’t usually drink soft drinks, but it would be about 3 hours sitting and enjoying the concert… So I got a coke. 2 cokes in total. I consumed my coke for a year.
The performance has started.
The first one was “Pregnant Conversation.” Are you singing about us (me)? Seemed so timely for me.
And then the next one was “Baby Bonus.” In Australia, if you deliver a baby, you get $7,000, Dan said. Wow! That’s so nice. We should move there for the 2nd child! ^^
He must have become a father lately. Heart-warming.
After his performance, Paul Kelly made his appearance.
He sang a whole bunch from his new album, and then he sang his older songs wonderfully.
I don’t know if they can’t help but is it because it’s a bar, some in the audience were chatting pretty loudly for the first half as they were maybe not so interested in his new songs. It’s quite rude and annoying not only for the artist, but also other fans who want to listen. But all of the audience loved his older hit songs and they got quiet later.
David explained a lot about the songs he sang and it was good for me understand more. Depends on the songs, he sounded like Bob Dylan.
After the performance, he was socializing with fans, signing autographs or shaking hands. So we joined the line up too. David got his autograph on the souvenir we bought here. David told him that I was really moved and almost crying over “Deeper Water.” Yes, I’m an easy weeper and even more when being pregnant, I guess.
I think I like “Deeper Water” the best so far. It really tells a nice story and the melody is also nice and catchy. One of his greatest songs:
It was a nice evening. Thank you, David!
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